Tensor Chess – Power To The Pieces.
Explore dynamic attack capabilities of Tensor Chess. Devastate with offense maneuvers and amaze with unprecedented defense strategies. Download the App now and experience the expanded the opportunities for abstract strategy gaming. Learn More by visiting the Tensor...
Tensor Chess – as a new educational tool. By Grandmaster Olga Olga Dolzhykova, PhD As Roger Langen (1992) observed long ago, instructional gaming is one of the most motivational tools in a good teacher’s repertoire. Children love games, chess motivates them to...
The Tensor Chess Android Game is now available for download from the Google Play Store.
The Tensor Chess Android Game is now available for download from the Google Play Store. Play, learn, challenge your friends, demonstrate your skill, improve your game play, and progress with Tensor Chess Achievements. Game Features: One player with 8 distinct levels...
Tensor Chess – Coming Soon
The great new innovation, Tensor Chess, has been highly praised by many eminent chess players. Anatoly Karpov: “… intensively engages the mind and is very exciting. Tensor Chess… should achieve an honored status among intellectual games.”Grandmaster Anatoly Karpov...
Tensor Chess traveled to the city of Sochi, the home of the 2014 Winter Olympics for beta testing and demonstration of the game.
Tensor Chess traveled to the city of Sochi, the home of the 2014 Winter Olympics for beta testing and demonstration of the game. During the 2014 World Chess Tournament in Sochi, tensor chess, a modified chess game, with worldwide patents pending and...
NYC 2016 GM Alexander Khalifman Presents Tensor Android
NYC 2016 GM Alexander Khalifman Presents Tensor Android The Tensor Chess Android Application is the evolution of Traditional Chess. The game builds on the beauty of the traditional game and expands it to new levels by bringing together a new harmony while uniting,...
NYC 2016 Demo for Tensor Android
NYC 2016 Demo for Tensor Android A new form of Chess which has been lauded by the Russian Academy of Sciences for the educational value and acclaimed by five world champions and over 30 Grand Masters for its dramatic expansion of mobility and unprecedented level of...
Tensor Chess – NYC Demo
Tensor Chess offers greater possibilities for tactical and strategic game play than does traditional chess. However, the rules still remain inherently simple, making the game’s learning curve accessible to players, of all levels and ages. Tensor Chess has young...
Tensor Chess NYC
The tensor chess demonstration was concluded with a demonstration of a virtual reality pilot that will accompany the Tensor Chess...