February 2, 2017

Game Rules – Game Pieces

A modified version of the timeless classic played on an 8×10 board that includes a new type of piece referred to as the Tensor Beast that increases the power and range of all other chess pieces, while retaining their ability to move in a traditional manner.

Unlike other pieces, a pawn cannot move backwards. A pawn moves forward one square immediately in front of it on the same file; or on its first turn, the pawn may advance two squares. The pawn can only capture opposing pieces diagonally.  When a pawn progresses 7 squares vertically and reaches the row opposite on which it started, it can be ‘promoted’, i.e., changed into another type of piece except a king.

The knight moves in an “L”-shape and can move two squares ‘vertically’ and then one square horizontally, or two squares horizontally and then one square vertically.

The queen combines the power of the rook and bishop and can move any number of squares along rank, file, or diagonal, but it may not leap over other pieces. The queen cannot move like both the rook and the bishop on the same turn.

The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally as indicated in green. The bishop may not hop or pass through any other pieces except for the beast of its own color.


The rook can move any number of squares along any rank or file as indicated by the green squares. the rook may not hop over or pass through any other pieces except the beast. Along with the king, the rook is involved during the king’s castling move.

The king moves one square in any direction as indicated by the green squares in the diagram below. The king has also a special move which is called castling and involves moving a rook.

The Beast can move one square in any direction similar to The king. It can Hop diagonally over its own or opposing pieces landing on the next unoccupied square.  The beast can continue hopping sequentially to unoccupied squares.  The beast can shift directions while moving diagonally and move along another diagonal.  The beast can also hop orthogonally over its own or opposing pieces.