Tensor Chess – Power To The Pieces.

Explore dynamic attack capabilities of Tensor Chess. Devastate with offense maneuvers and amaze with unprecedented defense strategies. Download the App now and experience the expanded the opportunities for abstract strategy gaming. Learn More by visiting the Tensor Chess Game or the Tensor Chess Android pages. Download the App from Google Play. Tensor Chess – Power to the Pieces.


Tensor Chess – as a new educational tool. By Grandmaster Olga Olga Dolzhykova, PhD As Roger Langen (1992) observed long ago, instructional gaming is one of the most motivational tools in a good teacher’s repertoire. Children love games, chess motivates them to become willing problem-solvers and spend hours quietly immersed in logical thinking. These same young people Read more about TENSOR CHESS:  A NEW EDUCATIONAL TOOL[…]

The Tensor Chess Android Game is now available for download from the Google Play Store.

The Tensor Chess Android Game is now available for download from the Google Play Store. Play, learn, challenge your friends, demonstrate your skill, improve your game play, and progress with Tensor Chess Achievements. Game Features: One player with 8 distinct levels of game difficulty, from beginner level all the way to the brutal expert level. Read more about The Tensor Chess Android Game is now available for download from the Google Play Store.[…]